Modern Slavery Act Statement


This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”) and outlines the steps taken by Home Connect Ltd (“The Company”) to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within its business and supply chains.


Our Commitment

Home Connect Ltd is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all business dealings. We are dedicated to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking do not take place within our own operations or those of our suppliers. Although our business sector is not typically associated with a high risk of slavery or human trafficking, we recognize the potential for such risks and are committed to reducing them through proactive measures.


Our Approach

In our own operations, we have implemented and maintain robust systems and controls designed to identify and address potential risks of slavery and human trafficking. These measures include:

    • Conducting regular risk assessments to identify areas of our business and supply chains that may be vulnerable to modern slavery.
    • Implementing policies and procedures that promote ethical business practices and require adherence to applicable laws, including the Act.
    • Providing training and resources to our employees to ensure they are aware of the risks of modern slavery and understand how to report any concerns.

Supply Chain Management

Home Connect Ltd adopts a risk-based approach to managing our supply chain. We identify sectors and suppliers where the risk of slavery and human trafficking may be heightened and take appropriate steps to ensure our suppliers comply with the Act. These steps include:

    • Conducting due diligence on suppliers, including reviewing their own modern slavery statements where applicable.
    • Engaging with suppliers regularly to ensure they are meeting their obligations.
    • Utilising the services of procurement consultants to assess and monitor the compliance of our suppliers, including obtaining necessary information and undertakings.

Employee Awareness and Reporting

Our policies clearly outline the steps that employees should take if they suspect any illegal or unethical conduct, including potential breaches of the Act. We encourage employees to report any concerns, and we provide clear channels for doing so.


Review and Approval

This statement has been approved by the Director of Home Connect Ltd and will be reviewed annually to ensure our continued commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking.